Welcome to the JWT Tool App

This website provides tools to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). You can use the encode tool to create JWTs from your payload and secret key, and the decode tool to decode and inspect the contents of your JWTs. Additionally, it showcases a simplified RSA encryption method for educational purposes, giving an idea of how it works, especially in the context of JWTs.

Why this page if JWT.io exists?

I created this site because I appreciated the functionality of the jwt.io site but noticed some minor issues, such as broken scrolling in the input fields, which sometimes caused the text to scroll away, and the absence of copy buttons for quick copying. Motivated by these issues and the pentesting challenges I did online, which required extensive testing of JWT encoding and decoding with quick copy-paste trial and errors, I decided to implement my own version of a JWT encoder/decoder with simple functions tailored to my needs.



RSA Simplified

Created by A.A. for the seminar "Software Security" @ LMU Munich